proclus-- CNN and Time stories
Michael Love (
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 13:47:23 -0500
-----also forwarded to mutantRMs
Greetings merry extropians. Thank you for the scoop on the CNN and Time
stories, as well as the many other great tips that I have gleaned from
this list. You are a all a big part of my life.
I hope you don't mind my lurking too much. I'm a poor grad student, and
time is limited. Plus, I'm not sure that I fit in entirely, so I lurk
and benefit from your clearly brilliant intelligence. Here are a few
key points, which you may address, if you like.
- I'm not hot on the idea of cryonics. ;-}
- Based on my own subjective experiences, I am entirely convinced
that consciousness is non-temporal.
- Cryonics is, at best, a last resort.
- I'm not a strict atheist, in fact, I'm a devout mormon.
- The mormon "god" is like a successful extropian.
- I'm not a strict libertarian. You could say that I am an extremely
liberal, left-wing, libertarian.
- Bring on the national ID cards.
- Send welfare mothers back to school.
- National enterprise is glorious.
- Environmentalism is good.
- Entropy is part of the life process.
- We would not exist w/o certain entropy driven processes.
Get the idea? Despitely these points, which most of you I think would
disagree with, we are probably in complete agreement on most everything
else. For example;
5. I'm a scientist (biochemist/crystallographer).
- the method of science leads to truth and technological advances,
which as a net benefit, uplifts humanity.
- I am excited about the possibility of enhancing human experience and
intelligence through drugs and implants
- ... and through uploading/downloading.
- I would like to have the whole web in my head.
- I am engaged in an intensive life extension program.
- I am going for immediate quality of life improvements
- ... and increased longevity.
I feel that points 1-4 are coherent with regard to points 5-7.
Visit proclus' realm!
Version: 3.1
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