>Why don't we adopt the same format as the Transhuman Contact list at:
>I would recommend reverse-engineering (or modeling sounds better) this web
The front end is not the most important issue, the matching mechanism and weighting is, eh? First we should know what we want the thing to do, then figure how best to present it. Also this thing only generates server errors for me. Also, Sasha, it is true these threads are started every three months or so by single het men, but women ALWAYS chime in, isn't that so?
-- Sunah Caroline Cherwin +!+ +%+ +=+ +?+ +\+ +>+ http://pobox.com/~sunah San Francisco WoW TechTeam +@+ +/+ +$+ Assoc. of Internet Professionals San Francisco Women on the Web SIG Coordinator +&+ www.m-o-r-e.org/sigs