Dan Hook
Dreams and
Living a lie from week to week,
Reinforced by those who tell them to be meak,
So that when after they die,
Everything under the sky
Will belong to them.
A humble dream indeed!
But it does not address my need.
I desire a world I can call my own.
I want knowledge and power beyond what mortals have known.
I want to live forever on earth.
Then they tell me it is a foolish dream,
But they are not what they seem.
Hypocrites all, they go and pray,
But they are back to living for earth when comes Monday.
I am not of there ilk.
My dreams are for the future, yes,
But they do not include my death.
For with the perfection of the nanite,
Comes the future in-finite,
Where sharing by none will mean plenty for all.
For this they would pity me.
I do not want the deluded one's sympathy.
All I would ask is that you not dictate
What you perceive to be the almighty's mandate.
To those that dream without constraint.