>Steve Edwards
I'd appreciate it if you could reference this new chimp study. I'd particularly
like to read about HIV infected chimps coming down with "AIDS-like
symptoms" after latency periods "every bit as long as it is in people."
I would like to read it since it is so at odds with earlier experiments I am
familiar with.
These past studies reveal important differences in the diseases of
infected monkeys from that of HIV in human AIDS:
(1) The absence of antiviral antibodies predicted the incidence of diseases
in monkeys, while the opposite is claimed for humans infected with HIV
[Kestler et al. 1990]. Another study has confirmed that monkey's risk
of disease is directly proportional to the titer of SIV [Futz et al., 1990].
(2) The simian retroviruses barely reduce the T-cell levels of ill monkeys
[Kestler et al., 1991], while HIV is claimed to deplete T-cells in humans.
(3) The spectrum of diseases observed in the SIV-infected monkeys is
different from AIDS, including bacteremia and lacking, among others,
Kaposi's sarcoma and dementia [Kestler et al., 1990; Fultz et al., 1990].
(4) In follow-up studies, SIV failed to cause disease in rhesus and
mangabey monkeys despite extensive sequence variation of the virus
which is thought to enhance pathogenicity [Fultz et al., 1990; Burns
and Desrosiers, 1991; Villinger et al., 1991].
(5) Since SIV has never caused any disease in wild monkeys, although
about 50% are naturally infected [Blattner et.al, 1988; Fultz et al., 1990;
Burns and Drosiers, 1991; Villinger et al., 1991] it is not an appropriate
model for the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS in naturally infected
Pat Fallon
Kestler, H., T. Kodoma, D. Ringler, M. Marthas, N. Pederson, A. Lackner,
D. Regier, P. Sehgal, M. Daniel, N. King, and R. Desrosiers. Induction of AIDS
in rhesus monkeys by molecularly cloned simian immunodeficiency virus,
Science 248 (1990): 1109-1112.
Fultz, P.N., R.B. Stricker, H.M. McClure, D.C. Anderson, W.M. Switzer,
and C. Horaist. Humoral response to SIV/SMM infection in macaque and
mangabey monkeys. J. AIDS 3 (1990) 319-329.
Burns, D.P.W. and R.C. Desrosiers. Selection of genetic variants of
simian immunodeficiency virus in persistently infected rhesus monkeys.
J. Virol. 65 (1991): 1843-1854.
Villinger, F., J.D. Powell, T. Jehuda-Cohen, N. Neckelmann, M. Vuchetich,
B. De, T.M. Folks, H.M. McClure, and A.A. Ansari. Detection of occult
simian immunodeficiency virus SIV smm infection in asymptomatic
seronegative nonhuman primates. J. Virol. 65 (1991) 1855-1862.