Having said this I've just read most of the essays at Friedman's site,
and the Coase essay gave me a new view of externalities.
} eleiminated. But still to ensure a corrupt free political system, maybe
} supervisors could be randomly assigned to check the representatives,
} swicthing between them on a regular basis.
Perhaps. Congress already has an internal Ethics committee. I figured
severe media attention would be a good check. It could be argued we're
not good now in that regard, but such a switch would probably attract a
lot of attention.
} Why not fund the political system on a capitalist basis ?. That is;
} offering them a percentage of the benefits to society they bring, instead
} of having the taxpayer pay their year income. The 'state' as a whole could
Might lead to complications, though.
} I'm all for it, as there's one other thing you forgot in your criticism of
} democracy not being a correct representation of society: Know any
} congressmen of 18 or 21 years old ?
Minimum age of 25.
Merry part,
-xx- Damien R. Sullivan X-) <*> http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix