Bah. If we wanted easy, we'd take over Heaven instead... although
another old physics joke is that Heaven is actually hotter than Hell.
"The light of the sun shall be as forty-nine times the light of the sun
on Earth" or however that saying goes - calculate equilibrium
temperature to reradiate all that energy - result: Heaven is hotter than
the vaporizing point of the *lake* of sulfer!
> Besides, we have forgotten how to deal with the demons. What rights do
> they have to their natural environment?
None whatsoever. Just once, just once in the whole damned :) history of
time, why shouldn't the previous residents genuinely and actually be
unreservedly evil sadists who were kicked out by their moral superiors?
-- Eliezer S. Yudkowsky Disclaimer: Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you everything I think I know.