Paper: The Orgin of Physical laws

Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 23:36:53 MST

Ding-Yu Chung

In the vacuum universe model, the origin of physical laws comes from the
evolution of vacuum in four stages: the pre-universe vacuum, the void space,
adjacent vacuum, and the empty space. The pre-universe is a vacuum with the
vacuum energy slightly below the Planck energy. The vacuum fluctuation of the
pre-universe vacuum results in pairs of supermembrane and anti-supermembrane
and the void space. The supermembrane pairs and the void space are
into the semi-stable pre-expanding universe consisting of the positive and
the negative energy boundary 9-branes separated by the bulk space with the
positive energy pre-gravity and the negative energy pre-gravity.

The collapse and the bounce of the pre-expanding universe result in the mixed
pre-expanding universe consisting of the boundary mixed 9-branes with the
absorbed void space. When the absorbed void space is emitted, it becomes the
adjacent vacuum as the added space, which brings about the expansion with
zero vacuum energy. The
rupture of space by the superluminal inflation brings about the empty space
as the
gap among particles.

The emergence of the empty space brings about the big bang, cosmic radiation,
observable elementary particles, all force fields, and quantum mechanics. The
periodic table of elementary particles is constructed to account for all
elementary particles and their masses in a good agreement with the observed
values. The cosmic evolution of vacuum involves a cyclic universe.

1. Introduction

Before the universe, the pre-universe is a vacuum with the vacuum energy
slightly below the Planck energy. The vacuum fluctuation [1] of the
vacuum generates pairs of eleven dimensional supermembrane and

the positive energy ten dimensional superstring with positive
energy pre-gravity and the negative energy superstring with negative energy
pre-gravity. The energy of the supermembrane is equal to the Planck energy.
the vacuum fluctuation, the concentration of energy to form the supermembrane
pairs generates the void space without the capability for the vacuum

In the universe, like-gravity stays together, and opposite-superstrings (as
opposite-charges) stay together and annihilate each other. With this
principle of
arrangement, the supermembrane pairs and the void space are self-organized
into the semi-stable pre-expanding universe, where the positive and the
energy boundary 9-branes (superstrings) are separated by the bulk space with
the positive energy pre-gravity and the negative energy pre-gravity.

The pre-expanding universe has the same structure as the Horava-Witten model
based on an eleven dimensional supergravity on a manifold with two

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