Re: my own 9/11 conspiracy theory

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 11:33:34 MST

Dossy wrote:

>You know, many called what I presented "ludicrous" or "sick" or
>"wildly irrational" ... yet nobody's been able to really give
>reasons why other than lots of poo-pooing.
>I say that while unattractive and however improbable my conspiracy theory
>is, it coincides with the recorded history and track record of the
>United States government.

Believe it or not, I actually tend to agree with the basic premise (but not
the accompanying specifics) of Dossy's posts. While I do very highly doubt
that the WTC/Pentagon attacks were carried out by the US government, I also
maintain no illusions that the public knows the majority of what the
government is doing, or the reasons behind them. All that we hear is
filtered through the kaleidoscopic lens of the media...which means that we
have some judiciously selected information from the government passed
through biased reports. Critical thinking dictates that we are not going
to get the full story in any purely objective fashion, now, or perhaps ever.

Having said this, beyond the premise of keeping our minds and eyes open
enough to read between the lines of what we are told, I fail to see how any
far-fetched speculation is all that productive, given that there is no hard
proof on any conspiracy theory...probably much less evidence of such than
other large events in the last half-century (e.g. Vietnam, Watergate etc.).

Back in 1996, when the TWA jet went down, Ian Goddard spent years on
fashioning his conspiracy theory (largely on this list, unfortunately) that
the plane was shot down by a US Navy missile. Perhaps there was merit to
the theory, perhaps (probably) not. The point is that idly speculating on
ulterior motives is unproductive to say the least, and does neither the
list nor the public in general any good. So long as we have large
democratic governmental institutions, we have no choice, really, but to
accept what they do. Discouraging? Yes. True? Definitely.

E. Shaun Russell Operations Officer, Extropy Institute
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