imaging the world (part 2)

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Feb 29 2000 - 20:44:14 MST

Oh, and I have no depth perception (stereopsis), either. This might not be
a coincidence, although it was caused by an eye defect before getting
neurally hardwired in infancy.

And that epiphany I mentioned:

I was at the end of my first year in English, and suddenly I realized with
an immense sickening shock what people meant when they kept talking about
*imagery* in poems (a medium largely obscure to me, although I liked the
rhythms and sounds and compressed density of some verse). `Images' -- like,
like, um, like... *pictures*, you mean? Those words about rain and roses
and swaying daffies and running lions and gold light glinting from the
blade *make pictures in your head*??? Holy shit, I want my money back!

Damien the deprived

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