Re: Simulation argument and Occam's razor

From: P K (
Date: Wed Aug 29 2007 - 10:51:15 MDT

>From: "Ricardo Barreira" <>
>Subject: Re: Simulation argument and Occam's razor
>Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:10:33 +0200
>Do not discount the possibility that there is a hole/bug in the
>simulation which allows us to see and/or affect the outside world, or
>at least know that there is one. That's something that a FAI could
>help us find.
OK, I'm preparing to enter a state where I am "not discount[ing] the
possibility that there is a hole/bug in the simulation". What should I do?
How do I know that my efforts to find those holes/bugs will not have the
exact opposite effect and hinder my ability to observe those holes/bugs.
After all, I know nothing about the world outside the simulation. Any
assumptions about one action or inaction being more useful at detecting it
than another would be a guess.

*takes a big breath* For every undetectable reality you can imagine with
actions that we should take to take advantage of that reality, I can imagine
a reality where those actions would have the opposite effect and the
opposite of those actions would have the desired effect. Of course, instead
of overloading my brain with an infinity of possible scenarios which all
cancel out utility wise, I can simply use the simplest explanations which
still predict and explains the world.

If I come across a bug/hole that can best be explained by the simulation
argument I will adjust. Until then, I remove the simulation argument from my
mind with Occam's razor.

About Pascal's Wager:
He argues thus

                               ,----------------> be a Christian ------> go
to Heaven
If God exists ----------<
                               '-----------------> Not be a Christian --->
go to Hell

                                     ,----------------> be a Christian
------> nothing
If God does not exist ----<
                                    '-----------------> Not be a Christian
---> nothing

Ok, what if there is an all powerful, equally undetectable entity which I
will call the anti-God? Anti-God sends you to Hell for being a Christian and
to Heaven for being a non Christian.

                                    ,----------------> be a Christian
------> go Hell
If anti-God exists ----------<
                                   '-----------------> Not be a Christian
---> go Heaven

                                           ,----------------> be a Christian
------> nothing
If anti-God does not exist ----<
                                          '-----------------> Not be a
Christian ---> nothing
The top is inverted and cancels out. We cannot make any conclusions about
undetectable entities/phenomenon because each one is canceled out by its
opposite undetectable entity/phenomenon.

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