From: Norman Noman (
Date: Wed Feb 28 2007 - 04:18:46 MST
Great story, I was just thinking along similar lines in the context of
infinite regress, namely:
If rather than pulling some kind of bootstrapping first cause or looped time
thing, the universe is infinitely nested, it seems likely-to-inevitable that
some of the nestings would be artificial rather than natural, and that given
an infinite number of artificial nestings it seems again
likely-to-inevitable that some percentage of them would not be pure,
hermetic simulations, but would have errors or back doors or just easter
eggs where the programmers' names scroll upwards accompanied by an upbeat
orchestral soundtrack.
Apparently infinite layers of messing around somehow adds up to a completely
natural seeming world, assuming any of what I said is true to begin with,
which seems unlikely but plausible.
I don't understand what you mean about N-cycles though, if the universes all
start the same and changes propagate down from the top, how do the cycles
ever reach the lower floors? Or are you talking about something totally
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