Re: My definitions of Intelligence, Consciousness, Mathematics and Universal Values

From: Philip Goetz (
Date: Sat Jan 21 2006 - 07:48:24 MST

On 1/21/06, Marc Geddes <> wrote:
> Let's just say that that I see no reason why reality
> should be 100% consistent (in mathematical terms).
> Suppose mathematics was not in fact the single unitary
> thing that mathematicians think it is? Suppose that
> there are in fact several different kinds of
> mathematics needed to fully capture reality
> ('dualities' is the technical term) and the different
> kinds of math are not totally consistent with each
> other?

Um... the fact that math works, and it has for thousands of years, and
if it were as you suggest, math in the world would be inconsistent and
not work. 2+2=4, not 5.

Suppose you take the world of people who understand math better than you do?
Suppose you refrain from pestering SL4 with ideas that you know are
not welcome here?

- Phil

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