Re: Loosemore's Proposal

From: Richard Loosemore (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 12:53:10 MDT

Another way to say what I have been trying to say:

The question is: how does the *design* of a cognitive system's learning
mechanisms interact with the *design* of its "thinking and reasoning and
knowledge representation" mechanism?

Can you, for example, sort out the thinking/reasoning/knowledge
representation mechanism first, then go back and find some good learning
mechanisms that will fill that mechanism with the right sort of data,
using only real world interaction and (virtually) no hand-holding from
the experimenter?

Or is it the case that you can pick a thinking/reasoning/knowledge
representation mechanism of your choice, and then discover to your
horror that there is not ever going to be a learning mechanism that
feeds that mechanism properly?

Now, complex adaptive systems theory would seem to indicate that if the
learning mechanisms are powerful enough to make the system Class IV
(i.e. complex-adaptive), the global behavior of those learning
mechanisms is going to be disconnected from the local behavior .... you
can't pick a global behavior first and then pick a local mechanism that
generates that behavior. That is the disconnect.

If this were the case with cognitive systems, we would get the situation
we have now. And one way out would be to build the kind of development
environement and adopt the kind of research strategy I have talked about.

Richard Loosemore.

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