
From: Anne Marie Tobias (
Date: Sat May 29 2004 - 21:31:14 MDT

I've been going over SQL all week, so forgive me if I see the word
"join", and the first thing
to pops into my head is "inner or outer"...

I've been floating around the periphery of this group for a while now.
I'm very close to
Samantha Atkins, and have played with several other folks in the general
vacinity. I'm
very interested in this conversation. I believe there are critical
considerations regarding
the advancement of human beings, and being human, and that people like
you will have
a significant amount to contribute to that final conversation.

I have a lot of interests (too many), and a quite lot of information in
my head (not nearly
enough). I would be more interested in conversations as a way of sharing
my beliefs and
capacity to contribute to this group.

I look forward to what you all have to say...


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