Re: On wisdom

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 03:37:42 MDT

Smigrodzki, Rafal wrote:

> How about the following set of definitions:
> 1. Information - undefined, to be treated as a primitive concept here.
> 2. Knowledge - information describing a true, predictive mapping between
> actions and their results.
> 3. Intelligence - the ability to process information to produce knowledge.
> 4. Rationality - the intelligent ability to use knowledge about self and
> non-self and other relevant information to choose actions leading to the
> achievement of goals.

Your missing one. What leads to choosing goals that are actually
in some sense "good"? What is "good"? What are your normative
concepts, your ethics in short. How does this meta-level work?

> 5. Wisdom - the use of intelligent, rational methods to analyze self,
> knowlege and information and to modify goal structures in ways logically
> predicated on these structures.

Still missing what determines what is actually of value.

> By these definitions, the FAI is being explicitly designed to be wise,
> and this might be a Good Thing (although I doubt that such wisdom
> *necessarily* maintains low-level-sentient-oriented goodness, I hope it
> does).

If it doesn't, I have no interest in it and will be its sworn

- samantha

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