Extropy Institute needs you!

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Wed Dec 29 1999 - 14:55:46 MST

ExI members will already have heard this, so this is directed towards the
many on this list who are not members.

If we include the almost 1,000 people signed up for Extropy Institute's
Free Electronic Membership, ExI has a record number of members. And,
clearly, more people than ever have heard about and resonate with extropian

However, the number of paying members of ExI has not been growing in quite
a while, and is actually lower than it was three years ago. This is
probably because ExI has made most of its information and forums available
as easily to non-members as to members. (We do give access to the Exponent
newsletter only to members, and membership was required to enter the last
conference.) As a result, though many Extropians and fellow travellers have
been doing well financially this year, thanks to strong job and stock
markets, the Institute's revenues have been low. While our costs have
dropped since moving all publications from paper to on-line, some expenses
are fixed and we continue to be burdened by old debts on which we're paying
substantial interest.

In a previous message I noted that many of us individually have been doing
well this year thanks to strong job and stock markets. If you are not
currently a (paying) member of Extropy Institute and want to support the
development and dissemination of transhumanist ideas, please join, either
as regular member or as a Benefactor or Sponsor. Also, please consider
making a tax-deductible contribution. If you send it by December 31, you
can deduct the amount from your 1999 taxes. (The Benefactor and Sponsor
amounts are also tax-deductible.)

You can join and/or make contributions via the web form at
www.extropy.org/join.htm or you can email credit card info directly to
exi-info@extropy.org, or you can call and leave the info at 310-989-8934,
or you can mail card information or check (for $55 regular, $30 student;
$100 Benefactor, $300 per year for 4 years as Sponsor) to:
        Extropy Institute
        13428 Maxella Avenue, #273
        Marina del Rey, CA 90292

My thanks to those of you who have continued to support the Institute
through membership and contributions. My biggest thanks for this year goes
to Brian Atkins, whose contribution is making possible development of our
web presence. We'll be announcing some results on this in a few days.



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