Re: Waco: Govt Set Fire

Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 19:04:03 MST

Last week at

> U.S. switches course, agrees to Waco test

> The Justice Department has reversed course and agreed to a test that
> could help determine whether federal personnel shot at the Branch Davidian
> compound at the end of the deadly 1993 standoff, according to a Wednesday
> letter detailing the agreement.
> [...]
> The agreement capped three weeks of negotiations with senior Justice
> Department and FBI officials, and it came after the special counsel office
> learned that the exact infrared camera needed for the test still exists
> and could be borrowed from another country, the letter to U.S. District
> Judge Walter Smith indicated.
> Mr. Dowd said all sides in the case hope to complete the infrared field
> tests by mid-March to allow at least two months before the start of a
> wrongful-death trial against the federal government in Waco.

This is good news and hopefully will go a long way towards shedding
light on what actually happened on that day.


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