Re: Patents

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Dec 24 1999 - 09:42:22 MST

> Sasha Chislenko wrote: > ...what if you publish something in a limited
> edition...

> Ken Clements wrote: ...So now, proof
> that you thought of it long ago does you no good. If you publish in a very
> limited way, the courts may rule that the idea was not accessible to the
> public, so the other guy's patent would stand....

The internet might be the key here. If I want to publish an idea
so that no one else can patent it but anyone can use it, seems
like an open forum such as this one would be the place to post
it. Is that notion correct? Or could some yahoo plunder the
extropians list for ideas and then run to the patent office? spike

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