Re: Patents [was Re: GPS implants are here... NOT...]

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 15:54:57 MST

Robert J. Bradbury writes:

> It will be interesting to watch the Linux vendors. They seem to
> be riding a wave with a limited time frame (from when people
> become aware of a product up to the point where the market is
> saturated). I look at these and say "these are packaging and

Limited time frame? What makes you think so? (Granted, Unix isn't the
best thing since sliced bread, but it's fairly usable).

> education companies". Whether they earn enough to pay people to
> actually improve the product in the long run is in my mind a big

Hey, it is already happening. Both SuSE and RedHat are financing a
number of development programs, funnelling the efforts back into
OpenSource. And that's just the beginning, look at the trends.

> question. [I will state for the record that I think open source
> is great and that Linux is "packaged" well in that it installs
> fairly easily, but in terms of actual code quality or implementation

Code quality is very patchy, but as a whole the system stability
rivals that of commercial products. (Granted, it's not an aerospace app).

> of advanced architectural features it leaves *a lot* to be desired.]

Implementation of advanced features is a relative novelty. You can't
expect it have measurable impact so early.

> Robert

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