Re: >H MEDIA: Wired Features Article **

From: Phil (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 12:34:38 MST

> Normally, I can't stand Wired. The current issue exemplifies the
> reason for my opinion-- the table of contents is on page 41. Most of
> the pages before that were advertising, and the one "article" before
> it was a montage of advertising with prices and URLs worked into most
> of the paragraphs.

First thing I do with Wired is tear out everything before the table
of contents. Ironic that a magazine geared at information-hungry
technophiles is run by McLuhanites who think the medium is the message.
Are they just lucky yahoos serving a market that isn't served by anything
more suitable, or are they really onto some big market of wannabe-technophiles
who failed math and like bright flashy colors?

Phil Goetz

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