Re: Patents [was Re: GPS implants are here... NOT...]

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 09:37:59 MST

> Well, I have (tongue-in-cheek) considered filing for two patents!
> I'd go for:
> a) Patent the use of genetic algorithms to generate the set of all
> possible inventions that apply within a given problem domain...
> b) Patent the business practice of moving your headquarters and base
> of operations to a country with more restrictive definitions of
> intellectual property...

USPTO will issue patents on anything these days. Amazon has one
on "one-click shopping", Priceline has one on the "name your price"
business model. A friend of mine, Ruben Marquez, has a patent on
a poker game (US5294128).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
"All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

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