I want to rape you (was re: Bicentennial Man)

From: Brent Allsop (allsop@fc.hp.com)
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 14:01:53 MST

Bryan Moss <bryan.moss@dial.pipex.com> replied:

> Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

> > b) Now, now, now, now Bryan... I give you one degree of
> > freedom and suddenly you want three or four. You may
> > be what you want to be but not if that interferes with
> > what other people want to be unless you are "being" in
> > a VR.
> But Robert, surely people like yourself, in not wanting to
> be raped, are interfering with what *I* want to be.

        There are at least two obvious ways out of these kinds of
apparent dilemmas. First off, if have near unlimited resources, time,
and we're immortal (via backup technologies and such should we be
killed by a rappist...), have multiple copies of ourselves and so on,
what's the big deal of allowing the occasional still "sick" person to
have a little fun on one of our copies now and again? I think it
would be kind of fun (in an otherwise infinitely long boring life?) to
be occasionally awaken one day after having been raped and killed
having been restored from my most recent backup data. Hopefully most
of the memories of what happened could survive too.

        As far as what it means ot be "sick" I'm sure I'm still just
as sick as the next guy with this. My creator (I believe it to be
evolution) has definitely wired me to tend to want to rape people
also. Yet I fight against these temptations and never rape people.
But this is my creator's will, not mine and why I fight it so hard.
That is why I consider myself to still be "sick" and not able to get
what I really want. Surely, eventually, I'll be able to choose what I
want to want and change what evolution has made me to want. I'll be
able to take the pleasures I might get from raping someone, and rewire
them, and hopefully increase them many orders of magnitude to doing
things I want to do, other than raping people.

        So, given people have true freedom, as in the ability to wire
the pleasures to motivate them to do what they want to do rather than
what our creator wanted us to do, there is no conceivable reason why
anyone would want to stay "sick" and want do things like rape others
is there?

                Brent Allsop

        Oh God, We've almost finished digging this ditch, Ohhh ohh!!!
AAAHHHHH!!!! It's finished! Boy was that as great for you as it was
for me? Let's go dig a bigger harder deeper one somewhere whether it
wants to be dug or not! ;) Now that'd allow a lot of degrees of real

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