Re: [Fleckenstein] The Story of Bubblenomics

From: Max More (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 12:43:51 MST

At 01:23 PM 12/21/99 -0500, you wrote:

>True, but sales mostly requires personal skills, and
>managments requires a combination of personal skills
>and forecasting. Ebusiness isn't currently promising
>to help those much; mostly it helps to reduce paperwork.

Certainly this is right to a point, but ebusiness *is* helping in the area
of sales or, more specially, CRM--customer relations management. Just take
a look at Siebel (SEBL) or Oracle (which is trying to catch up with
Siebel). They are doing this quite effectively, and their stock prices
reflect this. (In Oracle's case, this is only a minor factor.)

Disclosure: I am long SEBL.

I'm with the camp that thinks we are *not* in a bubble. Again, I recommend
an article in the current Harvard Business Review that does a great job of
explaining why. And, Robert, I think you read that in Business Week, though
I did hear that the last Barrons actually had an article or two (one by
Mary Meeker) worth reading. On the whole, Barron's had demonstrated
repeatedly that it does not understand technology businesses. (They must be
having fits on seeing Jeff Bezon be chosen as Time's Person of the Year!)



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