Re: trolling USENET for info sources

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Tue Dec 21 1999 - 07:52:21 MST

On Monday, December 20, 1999 10:40 PM Eugene Leitl wrote:
> I'm looking for newsgroups as a possible information source. So far
> I've (just) subscribed to
> sci.techniques.microscopy
> If you're a transhumantech@ regular, you probably know what I'm
> after. Any other juicy suggestions?
> (I already know I'm crazy, so you don't need to tell me that).

And you have a lot of free time.:)

The problem I've always found with newsgroups, heck with anything on the
internet is just the amount of noise. For instance, most posts on this list
never get read by me. Even on heavily moderated lists, there is only so
much I have the desire or time to read.

But I'm saying nothing that isn't already known. Perhaps if we all adopted
some sort of system of posting to anything whereby the subject line acting
like the Dewey decimal system libraries use -- and we agreed to use a
special code for purely humorous posts....

Good luck!

Daniel Ust
    See my thoughts on poetry at:

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