Re: [Fleckenstein] The Story of Bubblenomics

From: Brian Atkins (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 19:36:54 MST

Ebay is attempting to ward off centralized auction search sites by
blocking those sites from accessing its servers. It is quite easy
for a or whatever to block your search bot and not allow
it to index your content. So in effect they can try to make people
still come directly to their site, or as ebay is trying to do force
the search bot operators to license the content.

Bryan Moss wrote:
> > AltaVista. America's Shopping Mall. Avanex. Chordiant.
> > DigitalThink. Diversa. Divine
> > Interventures. FairMarket. ImproveNet.
> > Inforte. Iteris. Krispy Kreme.
> > LendingTree. MatrixOne. Net2000. Palm.
> > Selectica. Universal Access. Urban Cool
> > Network. Versata. WorldQuest Networks.
> It's going to be interesting to see what happens to all
> these .com's when good search engines start appearing. I
> mean, who's going to visit "" when they can send
> a search bot out to get the best price on cat food? Even
> more 'innovative' websites such as eBay will be obsolete if
> we finally put some intelligence in our browsers. If you
> want to be a successful e-business, work on making a cheap,
> high quality product and fire everyone in your advertising
> and marketing departments.
> BM

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