Re: [Fleckenstein] The Story of Bubblenomics

From: Bryan Moss (
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 16:49:03 MST

Harvey Newstrom wrote:

> > It's going to be interesting to see what happens to all
> > these .com's when good search engines start appearing.
> > I mean, who's going to visit "" when they can
> > send a search bot out to get the best price on cat food?
> This is not true. The search tools are searching the dot-
> com sites for the best price. If the dot-com sites go
> away, the search engines wouldn't have anything to
> search. You can't increase reliance on the search tools
> while eliminating the sites they are searching.

The search engine removes the importance of the domain
name - it doesn't matter if your or, the search bots will find you.


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