Re: SOC/BIO: Protests at geron

From: Jeff Davis (
Date: Sat Dec 18 1999 - 15:03:06 MST

In a diverse society opposition arising from conflicting belief systems is
inevitable. Rather than viewing it as a bad thing, look at it as an
indicator of the growth and progress in the activity being objected to.
Also consider that the attempt to mobilize oppositon to, in this case, stem
cell research will inevitably generate publicity, thereby inadvertantly
promoting the activity. It will provoke the interest and support of those
who approve of the activity for its own sake, as well as the support of
those who have no use for religious fundamentalism. Also, the attempt to
derive political advantage from the "abortion-like evil" of stem cell
research seems like something of a stretch for all but the most diligently
weak-minded, and therefore likely IMO to add another bit of discredit to
the reputation of the anti-technology religious folk.

Regarding the assaultive behavior of ANYONE interfering with any exercise
of free speech, vis

>>At 11:30 AM, a car swerved toward the demonstrators and a passenger threw
>>coffee on them.
>>On a second swerve the car hopped the curb and sideswiped a
>>protestor, Ken Reed, who was holding a large photograph of an aborted baby.
>>A Menlo Park police office saw the incident and gave chase on foot and got
>>the license plate number.
>>Two days later Menlo Park police found the driver and passenger who readily
>>admitted to hit and run and reportedly asked, "Does this mean our names are
>>going to be in the paper?" The police will release a report on the incident
>>on Friday, December 10. Reed's attorney said this attack should be treated
>>as a hate crime.

It was a hate crime. Call it secular bigotry if you will. The automobile
in question should be confiscated as instrumental in the commission of a
felony--assault with a deadly weapon--and the driver and passenger
sentenced to a year in jail (suspended perhaps in lieu of community
service). Menlo Park thug trash have, if anything, less excuse than those
who come from a culture steeped in religious bigotry. They're not in
Kansas anymore.

                        Best, Jeff Davis

           "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                        Ray Charles

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