Re: question:qualia

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 13:44:46 MST

At 06:09 PM 16/12/99 -0800, Zeb wrote:

>> Qualia? I am a little confused in regards to what exactly a "qualia" is,

>Qualia is basically experience, or sensation. But the term 'qualia' is used
>to differentiate it from functional aspects.

[pedant note:] `quale' is one of the little suckers (pronounced
`kwah-lay'), `qualia' is the plural.

>it just occurred to me that
>the Dan posting to this list may very well be Dan Dennett in disguise!

Nah, it's just his zombie twin... :)

Damien Broderick

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