Re: A case for the eradication of unmanned Mars missions

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 23:48:06 MST

> [Jeff Davis was] thinking about this method of supporting living tissue
> against
> the deforming and eventually injurious forces of high g loads--basically
> the idea of firing a person out of a cannon without killing them--but I've
> never run across a rigorous analysis or even a serious qualitative
> treatment of the subject...

Jeff, I did an experiment about 12 years ago at China Lake. We had
a centrifuge, 2 meter radius. I and some guys were arguing about
what would happen if you put an egg in a bucket of water in the
centrifuge, would it sling to the bottom or continue to float? I argued
that if the eggs were floating in 1 G, they would float in 100 G.

I bought a dozen guppies, put em in a plastic thermos bottle,
put the bottle in the centrifuge and spun em up to 100 g for 10
minutes. When I stopped, all the fish were still alive, but were
swimming in a spiral pattern, like a well-thrown football. {8-]
Please dont turn me in to the animal rights people. {8^D spike

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