Re: Geron as an investment [Was: Re: Telomerase and cancer ]

From: Lee March (
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 13:06:14 MST

Max More wrote:
> >(Portfolio up 188% MTD...)
> Okay, Lee, give! How did you do this? And what about YTD return? Did you do
> this with options? Or do you have just one or two superperformers in your
> portfolio. The reason I'm very please with my 103% YTD gain is that I have
> not used options, and there are 20 stocks in the port, so it wasn't a
> matter of getting lucky on one stock.
> Onward to transhuman wealth!
> Max


I have always made it a point not to discuss my trading in any great
detail, most people do not think to highly of my form of investing,
which as I have said is really trading. I do invest in stocks in the
more traditional sense, and my return YTD on that is around the same
figure you quoted for your portfolio, which is an excellent return.

I will go a bit further in this discussion mainly because I think the
people who take part in this email group are of above average
intelligence and more importiantly do not judge people who have
nontraditional jobs/lives/goals. I am trading to make possible
businesses and investments that I think will have real long term value
to myself and others.

As for trading, today was a rather flat day, actually NASDAQ was down
about 35 as I type this, but my two buys for the day were MESG which
went from 17 1/2 to 19 1/8. I purchased 2000 shares, held on for 3 hours
or so and sold for a 3200 dollar or appr. 10% gain, the second was EGHT
which I purchased at 4 3/4 and sold at 6. 10,000 shares translated to a
12,500 dollar increase, or about 25%.

Both these trades were based on news. I have had worse days, even losing
days, but I have also had much better days, and those will cover a lot
of slightly bad days.

I have no year to date figure for daytrading as I just started about 3
months ago. In that time period I have run my 50,000 dollar starting
capital up to about 849,650 as of close of my trading today. I am
looking forward to the next year expecially if we have a continued boom
into next year. My goal is to have 50 million dollars by the end of

As you said, onward to transhuman wealth!



PS, I have not tried options yet, they are incredibly complicated to
price and play, but I am learning and plan to give them a try. I am
testing several software systems for pricing and trading in that area
and in commodities. It makes me wish I was as educated in software and
computer science as some of the people on this list, it would be a huge

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