regarding Paradise Australia and the aussie gal who has bewitched me...

From: john grigg (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 14:35:19 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
>Yes, it is! Yes, it is! *Look* at that blue sky! *Lie* on that white >sand!
>*Eat* that cheap, abundant food! *Drink* that fine cheap wine! >*Ogle*
>those glorious bods! king

Wow, sounds very nice indeed. I have noticed lately alot of commercials
here in the U.S. advertising for Australian tourism. The ads are very
irreverant by showing the goings on at a nude beach. It is all done in
"Austin Powers" style with private areas covered by various objects in front
of them. An older fellow is sitting next to a beautiful young woman who
only has a newspaper to cover her nakedness. He slyly asks her if he could
borrow it when she is done and then smirks at the camera. I can imagine
tourism rates to Australia going up now for some reason.

My parents nearly immigrated to Australia around when I was born. my life
would have sure been different if they had considering that I was freezing
earlier today while heading to class here at the University of Alaska,

I have grown up hearing a number of men say they wanted to move there
because the women are suppose to be so incredible for some reason. I have a
friend who always says this whenever he gets into a big fight with his wife.
  I admit Elle McPherson should be used as a template for 21st century
genetic engineers.

In a chat room last January I met an incredible aussie gal who I have
communicated with by phone and computer. She claimed to be "embarrassed"
about her strong accent but I told her I loved it, very sexy. This gal is
very beautiful, intelligent and energetic but has already graduated while I
have at least two years left. She is one of those gals who can write her
own ticket with men I suspect. Australian guys, she claims are often jerks
and American men are seen as preferable by some gals there.

Currently she is in the U.S. midwest on an extended trip with a girlfriend
and may actually visit me here in Anchorage in the next several weeks. I
recently got an email giving me her current phone number so I suspect she
feels it is time to see Alaska. I am excited but also scared about this
because I am a poor student without a car or a great deal of disposable
income. I have been hurt before and don't want a repeat. She is most
likely out of my league but I don't want to regret not having tried.

I remember her telling me about her daily swims outdoors and other details
like and rotten job as a waitress. She couldn't believe it when I told her
about moose and bears coming right into town. But of course reality hits
when people actually meet in person and spend alot of time around eachother.

Anyway, Australia does seem to be a wonderful place even if out of the
way(like Alaska) and one of it's beautiful women have definitely bewitched
me. The first gal to break my heart was from Wisconsin, the second from
Tonga and now possibly the next from Sydney. Sometimes I wish I could just
"turn off" my romantic longings but that is not to be.


John Grigg

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