Re: Vlad in Oz

From: Michael Fitzgerald (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 11:05:38 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:

> At 08:04 PM 7/12/99 -0800, Robert wrote:
> >seriously, I've been to Australia, and while it isn't "Paradise"
> Yes, it is! Yes, it is! *Look* at that blue sky! *Lie* on that white
> sand!
> *Eat* that cheap, abundant food! *Drink* that fine cheap wine! *Ogle*
> those
> glorious bods! king
> (But then there are these insane net-restrictive laws.)
> >I'll lay open claim to having a bit of fun at Damien's expense
> Nah, everyone else does, why shouldn't you. :(
> Truth be told, though, I'm not especially `patriotic'. I do think I'm
> fairly lucky to have been born here, having English the global tongue
> from
> childhood, in a high tech-ish environment that recently has become
> richly
> and rewardingly multi-ethnic. But I do feel the distance from the
> Great
> Metropolitan Centers... Even with email and net-contact, we Aussies
> are
> small droppings on the arse of the world's briskly wagging tail.
> Damien Broderick

Bloody hell!, you're multi-published...
If you're just a little dag, what does that make me, mate?

Michael in Melbourne
Soaking up the sun,
riding the hairy dog's bum

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