NIA Political Action [was Re: Aging and life expectancy]

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 07:26:27 MST

On Tue, 7 Dec 1999 wrote:

> NIA's mission, in part, is to determine which areas of scientific and
> medical research will yield the most benefits for antiaging research
> and therapies.

Kathryn, if you ever run across either a net source or a congressional
archive source on the original or updated mission statement for NIA,
I'd appreciate a pointer to it. I suspect we would have to go back
into the history of when it was created and subsequent congressional
directives to really understand this. It will be useful for when
we write the history of *why* it took so long for people to get
serious about lifespan extension.

> In the description of the five-year priority plan, NIA states that
> they have already determined that Alzheimer's represents a priority.
Perhaps too much so. (Its been a priority for a decade or more, I
believe due to congressional directives). A.D. consumes something
like 15-20% of the NIA's budget. That is way out of proportion to
the costs of other aspects of aging. It is probably because it is
something you can "see" and its an emotional pull (when we see it
occuring in family members). There is also the fact that the projections
for the costs of A.D. care in the early part of the next century run
into the *trillions* of dollars (better to invest billions now than
pay trillions later).

> It could be that if someone could make a good case for telemorase
> research, HGH, or other areas that interest us, more funds might
> get channeled to that.

Actually, NIA did fund several double blind studies on HGH, which I
thought were supposed to be unblinded by now. Perhaps Doug could
find them and post them to the list? Most of the telomerase research
is supported by the National Cancer Inst. (NCI). What is really needed
is for the NIA to get very serious about understanding the mechanisms
and processes of aging. They need a project like NCI's "Cancer Genome
Anatomy Project" (

If the people on the list, simply all wrote NIA and asked *why*
we don't understand the "genome specific" factors of aging
and why they can't setup a resource like NCI's "CGAP" it would
probably help.

A five year intensive effort on that front *would* explain
a lot of what aging is so that by 2005, when we start to have the
tools to really do something about it we would have very good
ideas about what needs to be done.

The strategic plan document is:
The email address for comments is:
Feel free to throw in your favorite "agenda" items such as
calorie restriction, mitochondrial DNA damage, loss of
ribosomal DNA, support for gene chips for studies of alterations
in gene expression with age, centenarian genotyping studies,
organ replacement development, less emphasis on "studying"
aging, more emphasis on developing practical solutions
for specific problems, antioxidant supplementation,
studying longevity in transgenic mice, etc.

Also, for those of you who saw my Extro4 presentation, it
wouldn't hurt to throw in ideas like genome sequencing for
animals with extended longevities (whales, elephants,
parrots) or some of the other organisms I mentioned that
have interesting "features", the understanding of which
would provide us with anti-aging strategies.

Given that NIA's budget is upwards of 500 million dollars and
congress keeps outdoing itself to bump the NIH budget (some of
which must trickle down to NIA), sending your comments to the
NIA is probably the single most effective thing you can do
to influence the advancement of the Extropian/Transhumanist
prolongevity principle. Its difficult to get people in government
to think creatively when budgets are tight, but when money
is raining down on them, they are a little more open to
expanding their mental horizon.

Government representatives place more emphasis on "individual"
responses (rather than something that looks like a xeroxed letter
from from a political action committee), so don't "cut-n-paste"
the stuff I have above. You need to mix it up a little for it
to be effective.

This is where our voice gets to be heard above the rabble rousing
luddites!!! Just do it.


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