Re: A case for the eradication of unmanned Mars Missions

From: Charlie Stross (
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 03:14:12 MST

On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 11:13:20AM -0800, Brian D Williams wrote:
> There is alot more to Mars than dust, rocks, and sand!!!! Mars has
> water!!! lots of water!!! Mars has a useable atmosphere etc,etc. In
> other words we can live on Mars fairly reasonably, it is our next
> home.... The moon is just a rock.....
Nonsense. Both Mars and Luna are dumb matter. What's worse, neither
of them come with a fail-safe life support system. We need to turn
them into computronium -- _then_ we can live there. But the dumb Mars
stuff is at the bottom of a deeper gravity well than the dumb Luna
stuff. So it should in principle be easier to compuform Luna than
Mars (given that it'll need a wee bit of dismantling in order for the
computronium in the deeper layers to survive heat pollution).

Dismantle the moon! Dismantle the moon!

-- Charlie

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