exponential e-mail account growth

From: O'Regan, Emlyn (Emlyn.ORegan@actew.com.au)
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 23:39:12 MST

>From webpromote weekly. I'm getting my "facts" from marketing crud, so sue

> http://www.WebPromote.com
> As of September, there were 435 million active email accounts in the
> world, up 66% from a year earlier, according to Messaging Online
> (www.messagingonline.com ), a Web email portal.
> The United States and Canada accounted for more than 60% of the total
> number of email accounts, while Europe, Australia and Japan accounted
> for about a third of the accounts. In the United States, most email
> users have at least two email addresses, according to Messaging Online.
> Corporate email is responsible for 180 million accounts worldwide. In
> the early 1990s, the work/home email split was 80/20. That trend has
> since been reversed, and the split is now 40/60, according to Messaging
> Online.
> Email account growth has been accelerating. It took six years--from
> 1989 to 1995--for the number of email accounts to grow from 10 million
> to 100 million, Messaging Online says. Two years later that figure had
> doubled to 200 million, and then it doubled again in just 18 months.

Sorry if this has already been posted.

Emlyn the gremlin.

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