the loss of our civil liberties to a high-tech big brother...

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 15:30:35 MST

Charlie Stross wrote:
>Whatever you think of Hitler or Stalin or Mao, the worst >dictatorships of
>human history probably haven't happened yet -- and >when they do happen,
>they will wear a very different face.

>What innovative openings for tyranny do _you_ see appearing, prior
>to, say, 2025?

I found your post very powerful and unnerving to say the least. I had
already read about England's surveillance cameras but had no idea on what
scale it is to be deployed.

The point about how "good middle-class folks" are preoccupied with just
trying to make a living and care for their families is so important. They
can be taken in by politicians and other government officials who in the
name of "safety and security" will subvert our civil liberties to an extent
never before seen if allowed. But will the public awaken in time?

I tried explaining this to a very right-wing friend of mine who kept on
saying, "if you have done nothing wrong and are a good citizen then you have
nothing to fear from the government." He just would not recognize how this
is such a slippery slope.

I agree with you that most likely the most terrible totalitarian governments
have yet to be. As an American citizen my deepest hope is that my own
nation will not fall prey to this.

Also a U.S. president could declare martial law in a time of severe crisis,
thereby suspending the constitution and becoming a dictator over the
military. In a time of fear and violence(repeated terrorist strikes or an
epidemic) things could really get out of control but I would hope the checks
and balances of the other branches of government and public opinion would
take hold. A common scenario is shown in the film "The Siege" but I see a
much more likely and less explosive and incremental loss of American
liberties done for "our own good."

It looks like parts of Europe may be heading down this road now. What do
the Europeans on this list have to say?? Or do you feel what the English
are doing is not so threatening?

Again, I found your post very thought-provoking and thank you for it. I find
it ironic that the extropians might find themselves in future
decades(especially after cryonic reanimation) in a world where governments
feel the need to know everything(and they basically could) and you have
"rights" as long as you behave yourself. I look forward to reading the
responses to your post.

best regards,

John Grigg

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