Re: Miss Pop Ulation (was: population, homosexuality)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 11:39:36 MST

On Mon, 6 Dec 1999 wrote:

> There is a worm that gets its food solely from
> symbiotic algae. However, sunlight on a human's body
> isn't nearly enough energy for us. Besides, we enjoy
> eating.

I addressed this in a previous note. It turns out that with
chlorophyll skin cells we can come pretty close to gathering
enough power to operate. Standing still in full sun in
someplace like Arizona with both front and back sides receiving
sunlight (using some reflector system), not thinking very hard
and I'm pretty sure that you have a net positive energy input.
You simply have to balance your power gathering intake time
with your energy output time. It *will* be much more time
consuming than eating but the discussion had more to do with
population limits and in that case you want to focus what
the real efficiency limits are.


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