Re: MEME: History, Nazis, and >H

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Sun Dec 05 1999 - 11:38:47 MST wrote:

> The "socialist" moniker was merely the veneer to cover what was to become The
> Adolph Hitler Fund-definitively captains of German industry. A larger party
> of the "early" period 1919-1928 and later allied with Hitler was the German
> National Partei; which was avowedly, captalist; and believed in the
> superiority of the German "race" and the inferiority of all others. That was
> also mentioned in Bill Shirer's magnum opus.

Right! "National Socialism" is "State Capitalism". It is interesting that this
"State" (c.f. "Corporate State") subcontracted the management of many
death-camps to industrialists like Farben and Messerschmidt. Some
"detainees" were even sent to civilian factories to serve as slave labor as
a mode of compensation.


Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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