Re: Transhuman Publication _Empty Galaxy_

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Sat Dec 04 1999 - 15:28:28 MST

I want a copy. Is there subscription information? Is it a zine?

Thanks much.


At 13:12 1999/12/04 -0800, you wrote:

>I received a published booklet in the mail called _Empty Galaxy_ with
>byline on the cover:
>"Your Happy-Futurist Noir-Punk
>Immediatist Chemico-Erotic Put-On
>Transhuman Utopian-Extropian
>Experimental Style Guide"
>and was asked to write a piece for its next issue. While I haven't read
>this booklet yet, I recognized David Pearce's name as one of the authors
>( Has anyone else received
>this publication? It looks very intriguing.
>Natasha Vita-More:
>To Order the book: Create/Recreate: The Third Millennial Culture
>Transhumanist Arts Centre:
>Transhuman Culture InfoMark:

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