Re: Wanting to Want (was: Uploads and betrayal)

Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 11:36:31 MST

In a message dated 99-12-03 11:47:29 EST, Robin Hanson writes:

<< It seems to me that you are denying that the phenomena of limerence is
 associated with any degree of fooling oneself about anything.>>

No, there may indeed be some degree, but I would say that it can vary wildly
from 0% to 100%. My question to you is this; how do you determine whether
someone is fooling themselves about being in love or actually is in love? I
think a good way to tell when you are fooling yourself about being in love is
when it takes more and more effort to summon that feeling. Another would be
to ask yourself; if someone else told me they were in love for the reasons
I'm in love, would I believe them? Just some thoughts.

<< More generally, you seem to deny my suggestion that people fool themselves
 into thinking they are more thoughtful, creative, etc. than they are.>>

I was wondering if you would do that<g>. I ascribed to myself the attributes
of thoughtfulness and creativity soon after you had finished saying that "we
fool ourselves into thinking that our values are the ones others would
approve of, and are not very aware of the degree to which our values are
otherwise." So, am I deluding myself into believing I am thoughtful and
creative? Maybe so. How would one check? I suppose two ways would be to
look for internal inconsistencies in my life and use an external check of the
opinions of others. I won't go through the first here, as depending on the
level of my denial, I could be ignoring the inconsistencies. Now then, we
can ask others if I am thoughtful and creative. You'll just have to take my
word that, in the past, these two qualities have been attributed to me many
times before by many different people. We can also ask those who have
interacted with me here on the list if I have seemed thoughtful and creative
in my postings (of course, maybe I've just been faking it really well and
fooling everyone<g>). I will say this much...I am not perfectly thoughtful
and creative. I have had moments when I have been heedless of another's
feelings, and where my muse has deserted me. However, for the most part I
think these are traits that I can subscribe to myself in general, and to
claim otherwise would not be reporting my true feelings on the subject. That
is one of the reasons why I mentioned those qualities, even though I thought
it likely that you would respond to them as you did.
<<I'm not sure I can do much here to change your mind, other than to point
 you to the vast literatures on the topic. You might start wit the word
 Robin Hanson >>

Sure there is! I did preface my statements by saying, "I may be wrong." I
try to admit the possibility of error, and am willing to challenge my own
beliefs, even about myself. However, I take a lot to convince<g>. I'll have
to start as you suggested, looking into the term "limerence". As for this
vast literature on the topic, would you care to recommend some as a good
starting point? Online sources would be easier as I do not have a lot of
free time at present.

Now then, is there aught that I could do to change your mind?

Glen Finney

P.S. - By and large I find the "romantic ideal" as much as a harmful meme as
helpful. I consider it an artificial construct that owes much to the Court
of Eleanor of Acquitane<sp?>. However, as I said before, I do enjoy it, and
have found it of use in my life, so I have kept it, but always realizing that
it isn't an absolute.

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