Re: infectious vs oxidative stress theory of AIDS

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 11:18:38 MST

> It's been my experience that when the personal integrity of the opponent
> is questioned then it's a bad sign for the side doing the questioning.
> It makes me wonder how strong their case is.

That's often the case. It might also be, however, that the insult
is justified. You'll have to judge that by looking at the actual
content of the arguments.

I often admire iconoclasts; I usually admire skeptics. There is no
doubt that the simple HIV=AIDS theory has a few loose ends, and some
studies should be done to tie them up. But the folks at virusmyth
go a lot further than mere skepticism and thoroughness; they claim
outright that "HIV is harmless and AIDS is not contagious". That
claim is _way_ beyond what any reasonable responsible scientist
could possibly believe. The claim is outrageous, irresponsible,
even dangerous. Do they believe that the thousands of AIDS deaths
of hemophiliacs before HIV testing of blood and the near elimination
of those deaths after testing are all coincidence?

HIV may not be a 100% perfect explanation for AIDS, but it is 98%, and
all of the other possible explanations fall below 5%. To suggest
that is is simply false _does_ reflect upon the personal integrity
and motives of anyone making such a claim.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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