FUTURE TIME: From String Theory to Art!

From: Natasha Vita-More (natasha@natasha.cc)
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 11:36:59 MST

Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) is an organizations that produces
projects on the future of arts and technology. Cynthia Pannucci, the
director, has been supportive of Transhumanist Arts and the Extropic Art
Manifesto. ASCI has been set up "primarily as a network for artists who
either use or are inspired by science and technology, ASCI has become a
magnet for some of the best examples of this type of contemporary art and
for technologists wishing to collaborate."

(Below is a synopsis re Brian Greene and Greg Benford within quite a
diverse format.)



>An all-day symposium
>December 3, 1999
>9:30 - 6:00 p.m.
>Taipei Theater Auditorium, New York, NY
>(Lower level of the McGraw-Hill Building
>1221 Avenue of the Americas - btw 48/49th Streets - 212 373-1854)

>Despite the auspicious change that the new millennium will soon mark on the
>pages of our calendars, I am sure that each of us daily observes the
>enigmatic nature of time. Time flies, expands, contracts, escapes and
>alludes us, depending upon our vantagepoint at any given moment. Without
>even realizing it perhaps, some of those same commonplace words and phrases
>that we use to describe time are also used by scientists to define the
>concepts of Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum physics.
>FUTURE TIME integrates the voice and work of visionary art professionals
>together with unique "seers" in science, Chinese philosophy, science
>fiction, sociology, and business to concoct a dialogue that will fill you to
>the brim with possibility!
>Mathematician/physicist Brian Greene, author of the best-seller, The Elegant
>Universe, and our morning keynote, will talk about some of the essential
>insights on time from relativity and quantum mechanics on a non-technical
>level. His digital media presentation is reputed to "knock the socks off"
>his students at Columbia University bring a highly complex subject into
>visible form. Equally inspiring will be the scope, depth, and passion that
>artist, Agnes Denes' brings to her creation of various types of
>time-capsules from as early as the 1960's to her recent global environmental
>works that will be protected for the next 100 years. From the ancient wisdom
>of The I Ching; to recent sociological observations; future predictions by
>the noted science fiction novelist, Greg Benford; and a proposal for the
>adoption of Universal/ Internet Time by Swatch Group (the Swiss
>watch-makers), this investigation promises to be a memorable journey into
>the future of time.
>FUTURE TIME, is co-produced by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI),
>and the Chinese Information and Culture Center and Taipei Gallery, New York.
>It is featured in conjunction with the gallery's opening of their TIME
>MIGRATION exhibition from Dec. 3 - Jan.21, 2000.
>Symposium Program, Bios and Pre-Registration Form at :
> http://www.asci.org/time
>Send check made out to: ASCI
>to: P.O. Box 358 Staten Island, NY 10301
>Email Pre-Registration Form to ASCI by Wednesday, Dec.1st


Natasha Vita-More: http://www.natasha.cc
To Order the book: Create/Recreate: The Third Millennial Culture
Transhumanist Arts Centre: http://www.extropic-art.com
Transhuman Culture InfoMark: http://www.transhuman.org

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