Re: Model of how a gay gene could be propogated from generation to generation

Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 00:39:59 MST

Harvey Newstrom, <>, writes:
> 2. Imagine a reproducing couple, each of whom has one gay gene. They are
> both therefore straight.
> 3. They mate and randomly pass on one gene each: Gg x Gg =
> One fourth of their children will be gay (GG) and will carry the gene.
> One fourth of their children will be straight (Gg) and will carry the
> gene.
> One fourth of their children will be straight (gG) and will carry the
> gene.
> One fourth of their children will be straight (gg) and will not carry
> the gene.

So we went from 100% carrying the gay gene to 75% in the next generation.
Or if you count percentage of breeders, it is 67%. This will continue
to drop each generation, eventually eliminating the gene from the pool.


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