Re: Movie:Thirteenth Floor

From: Wei Dai (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 16:28:04 MST

Anyone else think these movies are too similar to each other? I think we
need a list of "VR User Rules of Thumb". To start:

- I will not turn off the "I'm in VR" indicator and other default safety
- I will avoid a system that kills me whenever my VR character dies.
- I will remember to look for the pause button when I comparison-shop for a
VR rig.
- If I become sick, confused or disoriented, I will immediately execute the
equivalent of Control-Alt-Delete.
- If I discover a computer-controled character unexpectedly attempting to
hack out of the system, I will shut off power and call technical support
instead of engaging him in hand-to-hand combat.
- If I discover my current reality is actually a VR, I will try to avoid
irritating the administrators of the VR system.
- If I discover my current reality is actually a VR and manage to exit it,
I will immediate try to determine if I am still in an VR environment.

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