Re: bored SIs

Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 08:58:01 MST

In a message dated 99-11-29 10:01:52 EST, you write:

<< Instead of running around pandering after motivators such as boredom -
 they not just eliminate it's influence in some way ? >>

In moderation, the ability to be bored is often quite adaptive; it motivates
you to seek novelty and change, which in turn can lead to new discoveries of
importance to the maintenance of the organism/system. If the SI's reach a
point where they seem able to model beforehand everything they are
discovering through exploration, then it would be likely that they would
calibrate themselves to have a very high tolerance for repitition (and thus
not get bored easily), but to compensate they should have a very low
threshold for curiosity...anything remotely unexpected should make them
intensely curious. This way they won't be so mellow as to miss something
important, but not so restless as to make life intolerable.

Glen Finney

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