while I'm at it (subjective things..)

From: Rob Harris (rob@hbinternet.co.uk)
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 05:35:49 MST


The utlimate translation of subjective --> objective
Everyone will have their own thoughts on this. For instance, the crazy monks
or whatever have such a strong urge to be a zealot, that the pain they would
suffer mentally if they gave up their beliefs would be worse than the pain
of anticipating and committing suicide in their eyes.......not everyone has
the same motivation as you do. For instance, my Grandad is like many other
old blokes - very opinionated and vocal. One of his favourite types of
people to criticise are such as recreational drug users, dangerous sports
players and such. He always rants "They're so stupid. They'll cut their
lifespan by years....." etc. etc.. The point is that Grandad is making a
judgement based upon the idiotic assumption that everyone has identical
motives to his. Basically, life for as long as possible, no matter what the
trade off with quality of life. Many sound-of-mind people have the
alternative philosophy of maximum life quality over quantity. His failure is
in his seeming inability to discern between the subjective and the
objective - "Of course everyone has the same motives as me, I'm a cosmically
righteous being rigged up to some God" or something.....

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