Re: understanding

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 08:18:50 MST

On Monday, November 29, 1999 3:11 AM Rob Harris wrote:
> >"understanding" is the tongue that tastes itself
> Yes, I too can give a vague description of the concept.

I don't think it's vague so much as nonsense.:)

> >to make the program "understand" introduce a paradoxical
> >circuit
> You can get these in radio shack?
> >its inability to understand anything will
> >surmount to its "understanding" of everything.
> No it won't.

I concur. If that would give a machine understanding, then how come
computer programs with bugs in them don't start having conversations with

I think understanding is going to be a lot harder and a lot easier than
that. Harder because it will not involve some sophomoric zen-like formulae.
Easier because if we just look at how we apprehend the world we might be
able to just develop machines that understand by mimicking us, then removing
the inessential.


Daniel Ust

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