Movie:Thirteenth Floor

Date: Sun Nov 28 1999 - 19:26:57 MST

I just this minute finished watching "Thirteenth Floor". If anyone hasn't
seen it yet I strongly advise that you do so.

It "out-matrixs" ...Matrix.

Kinda neat. I caught on probably just about where the producer would expect
an extropian to catch on.....perhaps a little later (I'm kinda slow). I
watched it with my girl friend here in Austin. She was TOTALLY lost....and
was a little perturbed when I started predicting what was going to happen. I
managed to get some of it right even....except I figured the B cop would
shoot A->B with a sniper's rifle instead of a pistol....I mean gee...we saw C
shoot B->C with a pistol...and then B shoot C->B with a pistol....don't you
think it was about time for a rifle?

All seriousness aside....I thought it was a hoot. I'll probably not watch it
again...but I'm glad I saw it once....

Heading outa Austin...

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