Re: Tofu: Bad News

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Nov 27 1999 - 13:04:53 MST

At 01:55 PM 11/27/1999 -0500, Harvey Newstrom wrote:

>Ian Goddard <> wrote:
>> Too much tofu induces 'brain aging,' study shows
>> A Hawaii research team says high consumption
>> of the soy product by a group of men lowered
>> mental abilities
>> By Helen Altonn
>> Star-Bulletin
>I have been watching this recent research with some concern, because I
>am a vegetarian and eat tofu. However, we have to be careful when a
>single new study comes out that refutes previous studies. Most studies
>show soy foods helping fight cancer and aging. ...

  IAN: I'm also a tofu-eating vegetarian and
  very concerned by that study!! However, I'm
  inclined to believe it's accurate BECAUSE the
  soy-phytochemical genistein has been shown to
  fight cancer, and it has a property that many
  anti-cancer drugs have, which is reducing the
  rate of DNA synthesis. That property is great
  for reducing the proliferation of cells and
  promoting their death; unfortunately the
  evidence cited suggests the cytotoxic
  properties of genistein are nonspecific.

  DNA synthesis is a critical attribute of the
  life cycle of a cell. Here's some data on that:
  Again, research shows genistein reduces DNA synthesis.
  There appear to be many health benefits of soybean
  products, however, I believe that brain atrophy
  is not an acceptable trade off unless genistein
  treats an otherwise untreatable fatal illness.

  Evidence also suggests that curcumin may kill
  cancer cells. If true, I wonder how? It is
  possible that our explorations into health
  foods could run into unforeseen disasters.
  A good strategy is probably to eat a wide
  variety of foods, then if one should prove
  harmful, you haven't been overexposed to it.


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