Re: AIDS from Polio Vaccine?

Date: Sun Nov 21 1999 - 10:57:10 MST

In a message dated 99-11-18 14:51:32 EST, it is written in part.

<< Until a virus is isolated, how
 can one productively argue about whether that virus does or
 does not cause a disease? >>

This is interesting. I don't understand everything I know about AIDS.

When someone makes things needlessly complicated then I get the feeling I'm
being lied to. In other words the AIDS thing has caused my BullShit detector
to go "off the scale".

Sorry I don't have exact sources but some of the reasons I lean in this
direction are much better explained by James Hogan (he has a website WITH
sources) and various other publications I've read in the past...(The Myth of
HeteroSexual Aids...)

"It aint what we don't know that hurts us....It's what we do know that aint
(wise oklahoma philosopher ......during the dustbowl)
The High Plains of Texas

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